I loved the crowd that attended and felt the exercises really allowed me to get to know everyone in the space really well. I left feeling excited for the new connections made, and also calmer and more grounded from the space.—Dominique Kay, FOUNDER at Mind Body Therapy, Stanford Department of Medicine
Dominique Kay, Stanford Department of Medicine and Founder of Mind, Body, Therapy
I'm a virtual workshop junky so I feel especially qualified to say that the "I hate Small Talk" event was TOTALLY awesome!!! There was a great turnout and wonderful facilitation. I made new friends! I'm so grateful to Sasha for making this magic happen.
Janie Lim, Chief Evangelist Office at Yellow.com
They gathered a great group of people. I felt welcome and cared about by everyone. I am excited by what they are working to create. Authentic relating exercises are something that I am really passionate about, and I'm happy to see them energetically getting more people involved!
I'm grateful for attending the most recent event last Sunday evening. I definitely walked away with a lot of new insights about myself and where I'm open and where I get stuck. Highly recommend for those who are wanting a fresh perspective on how they communicate and the ways in which we welcome connection or block ourselves from it. Big thanks to Sasha and Corwin for holding space so gracefully and authentically!